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February 11, 2013

Town of Princeton
Board of Selectmen
February 11, 2013   ---   6 PM
Town Hall Annex


Warrants and Minutes
Review and Approve FY13 Vendor and Payroll Warrant # 16

Review and Approve Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2013

Scheduled Meetings and Hearings

6:05 PM  Public Hearing for NORCO - ABCC Change of Manager Petition.
6:10 PM -  Broadband Committee

New Business
Consider Re-Scheduling Annual Town Election Date to Date of Special Senatorial Primary Date

Old Business
The race director is planning to change the date of the MIT bicycle race to Saturday March 30th (instead of Easter Sunday, 3/31).

Other Business

Public Comment

Executive Session

DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                   TIME                            LOCATION
Feb. 25                 Regular Meeting                         6:00 pm                 Annex
March 11                        Regular Meeting                         6:00 pm                 Annex

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department